Diversity Job Network Blog

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Ask Yourself These 8 Questions Before You Accept a Job Offer

Ask Yourself These 8 Questions Before You Accept a Job Offer

Good news! If you are in need of a new job, you have plenty of options to choose from.

You may have already put yourself out there on certain job recruiting sites, and you may have already gotten a job offer if not several. You may be tempted to just take it for the sake of work, but do you want to settle like that?

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Find Your Fit: How to Screen for The Best Company Culture

Find Your Fit: How to Screen for The Best Company Culture

What are the most important features of a job to you? Salary, benefits, and location probably rank pretty high but what about company culture? Company culture refers to the working environment, values, beliefs, and overall "feel" of an organization and it can make or break your experience with an employer.

Unlike other com...

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How to Find a Job Online

How to Find a Job Online

In early September of this year, there were approximately 10 million job openings in the US.

Scoring an interview to one of those jobs means being able to find them. And, these days, that means knowing how to find a jo...

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